Saturday, March 12, 2011

No, wait... putting them back on

So, spring's here. And it looks something like this.

The annual miracle of new life and warmer weather was abruptly crushed by something akin to what the families of the Dust Bowl may have endured. As Ashlie wrote in her previous blog, yesterday was brilliant. The sun was shining, the air was calm, and hope was springing forth in the form of a 44 degree high temperature. Everywhere life was awakening from it's winter slumber and beaming forth. It was the type of day that would make the crippled cast off their wheelchairs and walk. Then there was today.

I first noticed the impending doom from my second story classroom window while waiting on my Saturday tutoring students to come. On the horizon their was building a large cloud of dust. I had a quick vision of the apocalypse and then my students arrived. Near the end of our lesson one of students looked out from the window and astutely observed, "Mohai (ugly)." It was indeed mohai. Sand was whipping across the streets, people were running for shelter and I dismissed class.

On the walk home I didn't see many people. People were huddled together in pairs with their backs against southward facing walls. Other unfortunates like myself scurried across open areas like cockroaches on the bathroom floor of my college apartment. Finally I made it home to the warmth of my ger and wife.

Fast forward to a little later in the day. Ashlie and I were curled up on the bed watching a movie. In the film, the protagonist is gradually becoming insane. I don't know if I've ever been more empathetic to a character. The wind was driving me out of f***ing mind. The ger was raising up a little with every gust. Things were falling from the ceiling and the windows were rattling. One of the panes eventually fell to the floor and shattered. I, with my quick thinking, devised a strategy to begin shouting a string of obscenities that was so powerful it would curtail the wind and alter the atmospheric conditions into a more favorable state. It failed.

So I grabbed the duct tape and covered the hole. I remember in kindergarten learning the saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." I guess the lion is here.

1 comment:

Lidia said...

Oh Justin! don't let anything reduce you to insanity ! enjoyed your post.