Friday, June 25, 2010

Finally Pictures!

Us at a dance. they have 'discos' every sunday night in our tiny village.

Justin dancing the Mongolian waltz with is host mom.

My little sister and I at an old socialist statue.

Squashed in a tiny bus...there were 15 of us in it all together for about an hour. we were going to get our 2nd round of shots--yay.

A cow wandering in my ger one morning.

Justin milking a cow...unsuccessfully. though he denies it.

This is the only yak I've seen in our village. He just goes to get water from the well.

Justin's ger (behind the awesome saab).

Justin and his host uncle (who is 17) sawing firewood.

Justin and his host uncle (Gangeesh) filling their water barrel.

This is a random cow in a nearby town...we think it is so funny that cows just roam wherever they want here.

Us at orientation our 1st real day in Mongolia!

Our comfy bunk beds we slept on for the first 5 nights in Mongolia before going to our training sites. Plywood...that's all it is.

Sorry the picture are out of order, but the weather here is crazy and the power here has already gone I don't want to lose everything. Our lives are good-- we are having fun!

Monday, June 14, 2010

small town livin'

So Justin and I are in a very small town close to Ulaanbaatar. There isn't even a post office here. we're lucky there is an internet 'cafe'...So we may be able to get one about once a week. It is soooo beautiful here! we've hiked almost everyday. Everything is so green and hilly/mountainy. Justin and I both live in gers (with different host families). It is more rustic than I thought! Basically like camping out everyday. Justin and I have both milked cows, herded the cows, Justin's chopped some wood for our fires, we've taken a tumpin bath, handwashed all of our clothes--it's definitely a different life here. All of the kids are so excited that Americans live in their soum ("Soam"--small village). Anytime we're walking around they all come running to us to walk with us and talk to us. We are having a great time. It is hard at times, but we're enjoying every bit of it! I have taken a lot of pictures/videos but won't be able to post until I have a secure connection. I'll post more as soon as I can! I love you all!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lone Star

This is our last day in Texas for 27 months. Definitely not our last day ever. So you are probably wondering how I have enough time to type on this blog thing. Well...Justin and I are in Amarillo right now visiting our families. We've done the big move from DFW to South Dakota to store our things, then back down to Amarillo for our last goodbyes. Everything is packed and ready to go. So, why am I not with my family right now? Well....they, too, are also moving. They are moving the day after tomorrow so everyone is busy packing and organzing--which leaves me here. Life as I know it is gone. My parent's home is no longer in Texas & Justin and I are off to Mongolia.

I have had a great last few days though! I had great people at school/work that surprised me with cake, gifts, cards, etc. It was sooo nice! Then my sister had a cake beautifully decorated with mine & Justin's names in Mongolian and the Mongolian flag. It was amazing. Then I went out today with my mom and Zia to get my last USA Pedi. It was nice to relax!! Life has been so stressful! Oh, and how can I forget the Hare Krishna Temple/restaurant with Zoe & friends? I will miss it all!