Friday, November 12, 2010

Mongolian Traditional Medicine

As I stated in my last post-- I woke up earlier this week with a shocking pain in my back. Justin had to help me get out of bed. It was in the mid section of my back. I don't know what could have caused it (except I must have slept wrong or something, because it was completely fine the day before). I had to go home from school early so I could lay down, because sitting up and walking hurt. The next day, my back felt better, but still hurt enough that I needed help bending over and such. Well on day 3 of my backache a teacher told me about a Mongolian Traditional Doctor. She took me to her and they treated my back with "cupping". I only had one cup placed on my back (the mid section where it hurt). All of the air was suctioned out of the cup, my skin was raised into the jar and was purple (almost black) and wrinkly from lack of oxygen. They left it on there for about 15 mins. It didn't hurt at all, in fact, it felt relaxing. After the cup was removed I had a raised, purple cirlce on my back (my war wound) to show Justin. Now it is day 5 of my backache and the circle is still there, pretty dark. I hear it will go away after a few days.

As for my backache. It still hurts. A lot. BUT-- it doesn't hurt in my mid section anymore, it has moved up to my shoulder area. So I wonder if the cupping really did work??

Pictures of my back after cupping:


Rhett and Dora said...

that is one big hicky....hehehe!
Hope your ibuprofen kicks in and you feel better. Good luck with the medicine man. Too bad Sully isn't there from Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman to do some native American magic.

George Melcher said...

Grandma uses the same thing on grandpa before every time he has backaches. I've also tried the same thing one time when I had a terrible backache, and it kinda worked for me. But nowadays, there are excellent medicines in town that are made through FT NIR instruments that measure the right amount of chemicals to be used. Although traditional medications won't hurt that much, it is still nice if we have these modern medications on hand.