Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Firsts but not lasts cont'd...

1) Inhaled about a pound of powdered bleach-- wouldn't recommend it. Our school 'disinfected' everything by setting powdered bleach bombs in all the classrooms. I'm not sure exactly how they did it, but when I went back to school on Monday EVERYTHING was covered in this chalky powder. No one could sit or use the tables. I spent most of my day today scrubbing walls, chairs, tables, etc-- trying to get all that powder off. Sweeping it up was the worst. It just created a cloud of bleach that you couldn't get away from. My throat hurts.

2) Mastered biscuit making. I can whip up a perfectly golden, crispy on the outside yet warm, soft and flaky on the inside scone. Or biscuit. I can't decide what to call it. I mentioned this before, but I am torn between being a southern bell, or a british bird. Either way, they are melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Especially with honey...or gravy...

3) Haven't washed my hair in about 7 days. That might be too much information-- but it's true. We are out of water and our neighbors have been gone. We use their plumbing to retrieve water. Hopefully they will be back soon. I've already tried every page in the book on how to get rid of greasy lookin' hair. But, learn from me, the only way to accomplish a non-greasy look-- you. need. water.

4) Broke out my long warm pea-coat today for the first time. The high is in the 20's-- but it's another one of those miserably windy days, so I suspect the wind chill brings it much lower than that.

5) Went to see a Traditional Mongolian Medicine Doctor for my back. The other day (Monday) I woke up in the middle of the night because of an intense pain in my back. Then the next day I could hardly move it. I took some pain relievers and by the end of the day I was moving (but not much). Everyday since then it has been getting a little better. I'll leave my experience at the Traditional Mongolian Medicine Doctor's office for my next post. I need to gather some pictures you might enjoy. Pretty interesting...

6) Watched 5 movies in 2 days. I'm sure Justin can top me in this. I am not a movie watcher (even in Mongolia) but when I started watching one movie I didn't realize how well it magically took you away to that specific place and time. I had to watch 2 others immediately after because the magic was so intense. Then after the 3rd I had to go to the bathroom-- put my jacket on, trudge through the intense cold (and snow) to the dilapidated jorlon with my head lamp on (what? it's dark out there, I don't want to fall in the hole.), squat, then come back to my 50 degree warm ger (and yes 50 degrees IS warm-- when outside temperatures are significantly lower). Magic gone.

7) Had a great conversation with an Oriflame consultant at school (Oriflame is like Avon). The conversation was in Mongolian! It makes me happy when I can converse with someone longer than 5 mins and to be understood! Hopefully these conversation will last much longer and my vocab count can rise to more than 100 words.

8) And last but not least-- As of today, Justin and I have officially made it through our 1st semester of school in Mongolia (they have 4 semesters-- so we're a quarter of the way done with this school year!). Since the semester is over, we have a 10 day break from school. Housework is in order (ger work). I spent today (my 1st day off) cleaning classrooms. (The janitor looked at me funny when I walked into school with my *own* rubber gloves.:). Tomorrow I will again see the Traditional Mongolian Medicine Doctor and then rest a bit by cleaning my home.

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