Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween in the Gobi

My English Club students have been working hard to prepare for their 1st Halloween party. Their party had been canceled many times, but we were finally able to party last night!

A few weeks ago the students read about the Halloween holiday and we made a list of Halloween games they would like to play. Students find this holiday very interesting (as they should, because it is kinda weird when you think about it). We decided to have a costume contest, Halloween bingo, bobbing for apples and a 'guess how many jelly beans in the candy jar' contest.

The students completely put this together themselves-- I was just there to help when needed. Here is a picture of the DJs and MC (students):

Bobbing for Apples: They changed it up a little bit. One tumpin was empty and the other had all of the apples. Students were to race to see who could transfer the most apples to the empty tumpin. They really loved this game! I'm sure that water was freezing!

Here is a picture of the winner of the Candy Jar guessing contest. Justin and I bought the jelly beans and counted out 570 to fit in this jar. This winner guessed 600 jelly beans. However, while the contest was going on, one of the English teachers pulled me aside and asked me how many jelly beans there were. I told her and she said 'well, acutally there are 6 less than that. I ate.' I thought it was hilarious! This teacher is known for her sweet tooth and cannot contain herself when alone (or completely surrounded by people). So in actuality there were 564 jelly beans in that jar. :)

We can't have a party without BINGO! It was a tradition for me growing up that at every holiday our family would get together to play a themed bingo. We loved the little prizes (and sometimes big prizes) that we could win. So I just HAD to introduce this game to them (none of them knew how to play bingo!!). These students played a Halloween Bingo and the winner won a certificate (students here CRAVE certificates...makes it easy for the teacher) and a huge handful of candy.

Finally we had a costume contest. I was so proud of these students dressing up. Before the party they were all so nervous, asking questions 'where can we get costumes', 'how can we dress up', 'what can I wear'. It was very hard for them because there are no costume shops here. Also, money is an issue, so they can't just go and buy materials (and where would they buy it???). So these are homemade costumes you see. They are so creative and I am so proud!

Finally, my costume. It isn't anywhere near as creative as theirs. I also had a meeting that I had to go to right before the party, then another one DURING the party-- so I couldn't dress up completely. But I'll give you one guess at what I wanted to be:

I miss you, Annie :(

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