Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lazy Weekends...

Again, it is such a beautiful fall day today (Saturday). Justin and I had the pleasure of sleeping in and having a great breakfast: eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, fried heam (a mongolian sausage--who knows what's in it..oh wait, probably unmentionables from mutton) and toast.

I was making breakfast when Justin was called outside by our Khashaa Dad. He wanted Justin to help him pull weeds. So I continued making breakfast, and Justin is still working. An hour later he is still working (I thought it was a silly idea to pull weeds when the only thing on the ground IS weeds-- and they cover the entire Khashaa). So I start handwashing the laundry. This normally takes me about an hour and a half to do. And I finish. And Justin is still working. 3 hours later, he comes in--not finished. But at 1pm we finally get to sit down and eat our glorious, cold, breakfast.

1 comment:

Mom said...

It does look good ! so did Justin ever finish !