Thursday, September 9, 2010

Can it be?!

Exciting things are happening in the Newberry Ger. Last Friday, Justin's school kindly gave us a microwave. We had explained to them the day before that an oven would be appreciated greatly...but lost in translation, we got a microwave (not complaining, just explaining). However, our Khashaa family owns a small toaster oven and we were able to borrow it until they need it back. So now we have both, an oven and a microwave. It almost doesn't feel like we're in a 3rd world country. Then, a carpenter came in on Wednesday and added on another 18 inches to our 32 inch bed. Now our bed is a whopping 4 feet 2 inches. Also on Wednesday we received our stove and a shack full of chopped wood, coal and dung. But is the most exciting of all-- an 'electrician' is kindly splitting our neighbor's telephone wires so they will run in our ger...not for a telephone, but for the internet! I am typing this not connected to the internet, hoping that by the time I'm finished the electrician will be also and I will be able to post this to our blog on our very own internet connection. We'll see.

I am also a little impatient for him to finish because I have a big grocery shopping day ahead of me! I heard that one of the stores has chicken again (since Justin and I ran out) so I will need to run over there before it's all sold (who am I kidding? We're the only ones buying it most likely...), and also I saw that a different store had bananas a couple of days ago, but I didn't have enough money on me at the time. Hopefully they have not run out. I am always on the look out for chicken, fruit of any sort and tomatoes (if you don't count them as a fruit)--none of those stay consistently stocked.

Update: Believe it or not, we now have internet in our ger! :)


Rhett and Dora said...

Hooray for so many things....a "full" size bed, a microwave, a toaster oven, and the internet. Can I just tell you I am totally loving all the posts! Keep it up. I am checking your blog all the time. that you have a microwave are there any microwavable things you want? What type of plugs do they use in your ger? I was thinking a space heater would be so useful in your ger. Hope you have a lovely mongolian day where chicken and bananas abound!

Adventure Bimbling - Mongolia Guide said...

I've enjoyed reading about your experiences in Mongolia. Looking forward to more great posts in the near future. I find these peacecorp blogs such a wonderful source of inspiration. I only wish England had a similar organisation. Your ger sounds pretty hi-tech!

Mom said...

Gee you're almost spoiled ! That must have felt like christmas and birthdays all rolled into one !