Sunday, April 10, 2011

"...Sometimes there just aren't enough rocks"

Forrest Gump is my all time favorite movie. That tape (yes, in 2000 VCRs were still the top media players) remained in my TV/VCR combo for an entire summer on replay. I listened to it when I was brushing my teeth, I listened to it while I was talking on the phone, I even fell asleep to it most nights. I don't know why I did it--I'm weird I guess. But I'm sure I've seen it over 100 times, seriously. So, it's not difficult for me to think up quotes from the movie that are related to my life.

For instance, "I guess sometimes there just aren't enough rocks."

How perfect is this quote for Mongolia?! When we first arrived in Mongolia we were told to always carry rocks with us in our pockets or have some in our purse/bags so we could always be prepared. 'For what', you may ask?

Now, on my way to school (or anywhere outside of my hashaa) I have to walk by this mean black dog. I see him everyday. I've seen him everyday for about 7 months now and he's still not too friendly with me. The picture above is my rock pile that I take 3 rocks out of everyday as I slip through our hashaa door and into the mean black dog's hashaa. Sometimes I throw rocks at him, sometimes I don't-- it all depends on how feisty he's feeling that day-- if he decides to run after me or not. Then everyday when I walk back through his hashaa and into mine I throw my rocks back in my rock pile to use for the next day.

Well recently I've been noticing my rocks disappearing. My pile has gone from about 20 to about 5. What's going to happen when my rock pile runs out? More importantly who's found my stash??

Today was a great end to a great and relaxing weekend. It was rather chilly this weekend and very windy. I was able to get some school work done (I'm actually supposed to be working on it right now and finishing up, but found myself catching up on Shine and piddling around on my blog). Justin just made a great all wood fire (I love that smell!!!-- as opposed to dung fires), I have a pearberry candle glowing, my warm fleece jumper zipped up tight and a hot cup of pineapple tea. Now, I suppose it's time to get back to work.


Mom said...

I thought that was you and Justin sitting in that tree!

Anonymous said...

Can you post some pictures of your school:outside and inside? Does it have a library?

Ashlie Newberry said...

Sure! I'll try to do that soon.

Ashlie Newberry said...

Sure! I'll try to do that soon.