Saturday, April 30, 2011

"My Sister's baby was born!"

My sister had a baby boy! So I am yet again an Auntie. She had him late at night on April 26th Mongolian time. The next day I was so excited to tell my teachers. I teach an English & Methodology class to Primary teachers twice a week. I speak only English to them during the lesson, but at the end of each lesson I talk to them in Mongolian to see how they are, get updates about school gossip and tell them what's going on in my life, etc. Well at the end of this class I said, "Last night my sister's baby was born!" I only said it that way because I didn't know how to say, "My sister had a baby!" in Mongolian-- But that started a lot of confusion. My teachers were confused if my sister had the baby or my sister's baby had the baby. So we drew pictures on the board-- which caused even more confusion until the pictures became more detailed and there was a woman giving birth on our class chalkboard. It was all hilarious really! But, now I know how to say "My sister had a baby!"

Congratulations Nita & Chad & Madison and Happy birthday, Lincoln!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! that had to have been funny !