Tuesday, February 8, 2011


...is still not here. Though I was very hopeful yesterday on my walk to school as I noticed how muddy my shoes were. I was dreading and wondering how I was going to clean them up before walking into the school building (because Mongolians keep their shoes immaculate!) when I realized "hey...there's mud...I see mud!!" I haven't seen mud or any type of liquid outside in months! Then, when I got home from school I had to go out into our ping to get more fuel for the fire. I came back in and noticed a spider walking across my ger floor. I had two feelings invade my body: to kill, then nostalgia. It has been so long since I've seen any life other than people & domesticated animals. But, my hopes of spring were soon smashed (along with the premature spider) when Justin came home and let me know it had just started snowing outside. Soon, though...Spring will come soon.


Anonymous said...

I dont know if you had them down there in the fall but just wait until the mice return. Yup. This is WAY early this year. Not complaining. Very fortunate first winter for the 21's. How much more appropriate than the zuud!

Mom said...

Won't you just embrace all the warmer weather you can get ? now I understand why the people spend so much time outdoors in the summer here !maybe you could plant some flowers