Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I knew it would happen somehow

Remember months ago when I said that I wanted to start up some type of cooking class while I'm here to teach nutrition/ well balanced meals--but also to teach new and different ways of cooking? Well, it's By the time this week has finished I will have made 8 pizzas. Tuesday I taught a cooking class (we made pizza, by popular demand) for 10th graders. Today I am teaching a cooking class (again, pizza by popular demand) to 9th & 11th graders, and tomorrow I am teaching a cooking class to some teachers (guess what we're cooking?! Yep. pizza, again by popular demand-- but also we're baking chocolate chip cookies afterward in this class). Then on Friday it's always pizza night in the Newberry Ger--so 8 pizzas in total. I do have to compliment myself on my hand-made/tossed pizza dough. I tried twirling it on my finger yesterday for the students, but was unsuccessful (at flattening and making the dough in a circular form), but quite successful at making the students laugh and making a fool of myself (which is okay, sometimes). I've already had several of my recipes (cinnamon rolls, choc. chip cookies, biscuits, pizza, meat/fruit pies) translated into Mongolian and distributed out to teachers because they heard that I bake. It makes me feel good that I CAN actually contribute something here (besides teaching styles/methodologies) because I was starting to feel like somewhat of a failure because I don't play volleyball or basketball (the MAJOR sports here, if you don't play you're definitely not in the 'in' crowd).

Well, it snowed again last night. I saw on the weather forecast that Saturday the high will be 31 degrees. It is oh-so-close to being above freezing, but it just can't seem to topple over that mark. Anyway, it hasn't really been able to get much above 20 degrees yet, so I'm really looking forward to this 31 degrees.

1 comment:

Mom said...

That is wonderful Ashlie ! Thier lives will never be the same ! Pizza, cinnamon rolls ! yum !