Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting your Chinese Visa in Mongolia

I've been planning for this trip for a while. I did all my research on getting a Chinese Visa, the sites we want to see, the prices, the transportation, etc. I got all the paperwork in order and we got it all printed out (a few times, because...well, just because that's how it goes here in Mongolia).

Justin spent a good portion of the day on Friday running around UB trying to make things possible for us to get our Visas, but really ended up not doing anything because he found out that we needed to get our train ticket information (our way out of Mongolia & into China) for our visit application.

Problem: You can't buy train tickets in Mongolia more than a day in advance. So how can we get our train ticket receipt to show the Embassy in enough time to process our Visas? You have to go through a travel agency. I hate travel agencies. The reason is because they're over-priced. But I do understand that they take away a lot of the headache that planning your own trip can give. So...I was about to give in when......UB Guesthouse saved our lives.

There, on the door of their building, was a flyer saying they'd help with train tickets & visa-- perfect! And it was, they printed out everything we needed then said, 'you're done'. So all the running around Justin did the other day was sadly for nothing, but we went to the Chinese Embassy this morning and pretty much just went in and out. They took all our application papers, pictures, train ticket in, flight ticket out, and our hostel information while we in China. We can pick up our visas next Monday.

It wasn't so bad. Really.

UB Guesthouse has been good to us. We have a private room here, good pillows, hot showers, toilets, they've done our laundry, and now pretty much sealed our deal with our train tickets and visa application. Though, Khongor Guesthouse will always be my 1st choice. UB Guesthouse is a tough competitor.


Mom said...

happy ending to a frustrating situation !

steve said...

Our son, Marty Miklos, is among the M22's! We appreciate your website and wonder if there are any others for parents! Thank you.

Steve and Sally Miklos

Ashlie Newberry said...

Hi Steve & Sally!
I can't wait to meet Marty. I'll be training the M22's starting in July. Here's a link to all the other PCV Mongolia's blogs:http: //
Thanks for reading!

steve said...

Thank you Ashlie!

Tony James Slater said...

Hiya guys! Thanks so much for this blog post, I found it through a Google search and it has helped me out a lot. I was struggling with getting a Chinese visa through the embassy in perth, Australia, where I'm living at the moment. But I have three months of travel to do before I get to China, and was really worried the visa would expire! Now, after reading this, it's made me much hapier to get my Chinese visa in Ulaan Bator - probably with a bit of help from the staff at the UB Guesthouse!
Thanks again for this bit of info!