Sunday, March 28, 2010

Here goes...

My journey begins here. I've been waiting, dreaming, and preparing for the past 18 months for something I know will change my life forever. Who am I? What I am destined to be? What are my limits? Peace Corps will know.

I didn't understand why more people weren't volunteering for such an honorable and legendary organization--but now I know. Waiting, paperwork, flexibility, more waiting and more paperwork isn't for everyone. And that's just how to sign up.

So, 17 months after my husband and I started this application process we finally got our invite February 23, 2010. I am assigned to be a Primary Teacher Trainer and Justin is assigned as a Secondary English Teacher in......MONGOLIA! We are so excited and are currently in the crazy, running around like a chicken with its head cut off mode. We need to organize, pack up our lives into two duffle bags and sell everything else. We began the countdown for our last day of our jobs as teachers in inner-city Dallas. Justin and I have 67 days left in this country. Let the fun begin! This is life as a Newberry! :)

1 comment:

Nita said...

What an adventure this will be! I feel like I get the best part--living it through you while sitting comfortably on the sidelines. You two are definitely awesome and will be greatly missed!